作为一名时尚精 你能正确读对各种大牌吗?

来源:剑桥文理与剑桥艺术学校中国CATS China&CSVPA China 时间:05-14

审美水准的时尚精,熟稔各种大牌,但发音一水儿都是错的,是不是有土老帽进城买了A货的既视感?要想提升自己的整体气质,还是先从弄清楚这些大牌的准确发音开始吧。小编就为大家介绍一位英国美女小姐姐,在一个名为“跟露西学英语”(English With Lucy)的视频中,主播露西·厄尔(Lucy Earl)一段教网友读大牌名称的视频意外走红。

Lucy said: "I am by no means a fashion expert. I am, however, extremely interested in pronunciation and I know a lot of you guys are as well and you want to sound like you know what you're talking about."


"A lot of you will be here because you want to improve your English speaking and pronunciation and will want to sound more professional when talking about these brands."




❶ Hermès, a French designer, is meant to be pronounced 'AIR-mez', not the common mispronunciation of 'Hermz'.


❷ Instead of Mosh-sheen-oh, the Italian label Moschino is actually pronounced with a hard 'ch': 'Moss-KI-no'.


❸ Popular sports brands seem to have different pronunciations everywhere, withAdidas and Nike sometimes being pronounced 'A-dee-das', and Nike to rhyme with Pike.


But they're actually meant to be pronounced 'Nike-ee' and 'Adi-dass', the latter being named after its founder Adi Dassler.



❹ The more high-end designers are often pronounced incorrectly, with many people saying 'Bale-Main' instead of 'Bul-muh' when uttering the name of the French label Balmain.



❺ Similarly, many people pronounced Versace as 'Ver- sar-chee' when the Italian brand is meant to be said like 'Ver-SAH-cheh'.

同样,也有很多人把意大利品牌Versace(范思哲)读成Ver- sar-chee,正确读音为Ver-SAH-cheh。


English With Lucy now has more than 350,000 subscribers from all over world, who ask her questions about life in Britain, how to pronounce words and popular sayings and phrases.



Ms Earl, 22, set up the business with a £500 loan from her father. She bought a tripod and camera, taught herself how to shoot and about lighting and now earns more than the average teacher through advertising.



"It's a business that I started completely from scratch with a £500 business loan from my dad, paid back with interest, of course, and has now a pretty significant turnover."


"It was a huge step for me to say no to the grad schemes and yes to going at it alone, but it was the best thing I ever did."




1. Hermes(爱马仕) - AIR-mez

2. Adidas(阿迪达斯) - ADI-dass

3. Balmain(巴尔曼)- Bul-muh

4. Loewe(洛伊) - Lo-EH-veh

5. Moschino(莫斯基诺) - Moss-KI-no

6. Versace(范思哲) - Ver-SAH-cheh

7. Nike(耐克) - Nai-key

8. Thierry Mugler (蒂埃里-穆勒)- Tea-EH-(R)ee Moo-gle(r)

9. Saint Laurent(圣罗兰) - Suh Lo-(r)o

10. Ralph Lauren(拉夫-劳伦) - Ralph LO-ren

11. Givenchy(纪梵希) - Zhee-vo-shee

12. Porsche(保时捷) - Por - shuh
